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Showing posts from May, 2016

Meltdown In The Mountains

So yesterday Derek and I were deciding where we wanted to spend our Memorial day off at. I posted saying that I would be going to an island on Lake Hartwell, well being that we are both so spontaneous we ended up going to Brasstown Falls in Oconee County, SC. That was our first mistake. We loaded up the car, filled up the tank, and headed down highway 24 West, and after an hour of passing huge farms, and scenic country roads we made it to highway 76. We followed that mountain road for almost 12 miles before we reached Brasstown Road. This is where the "adventure" would begin. The only directions my GPS offered was two miles down a gravel road that appeared to end. Other than that we were following the directions of another travel website that had pretty clear instructions. We start down the gravel road and pass a small road on our right, after all the GPS was still telling us to go, and our directions seemed to be aligned with that. We drove about three miles up the mount...

Lake Hartwell's secret campsites

Hello everyone!!! I want to wish you all a happy and safe Memorial day, and remember that today is not about drinking and barbecue, but about all of the generations before us who fought and lost their lives and freedom to protect ours. They fought for America and many died without ever receiving recognition or the respect they deserved. Keep that in mind today when you are with your loved ones and remember those who came before you, show gratitude and respect for the freedom we have today.  I will be traveling to an island on Lake Hartwell very soon and will be camped out for the night. I hope everyone stays tuned for all the exciting stuff I will be posting throughout the day. 

My Seahawk Raft

After recently purchasing a RealTree Seahawk 2-person raft, I have come to the realization that every summer before now has been totally lame and lackluster. For less than fifty dollars this inflatable raft can carry Derek and I down the Congaree River later this summer, and has already taken us places on Lake Hartwell I have never been. The raft comes with a simple air pump, two oars with locks, a splash pouch to put your phone, ID, etc in. It also has motor mount fittings, talk about an awesome feature!! Lightweight, durable and easy to pack, this raft is perfect for anyone!!  If you just like to relax on the lake while tanning (like me), and don't have the luxury of a large boat, or want more than a float, this raft is for you!! The only way to make this product more easy to use is to invest in an electric air pump (seriously my arms are gonna be ripped) and a small trolling motor as well. Paddling is great, but for long distances a thirty dollar motor will solve the issu...

One Item I Never Leave Behind *updated*

When you go outside on a hot summer day in the South, if you are anything like me, you will be swarmed by those blood-sucking mosquitos, ticks, and gnats. My grandpa always told me that it was  because I'm so sweet, and that is probably true. However, there is some science to behind why people like me, and maybe yourself that tend to get bit by those mosquitoes than others. Whether you want to blame it on your blood type (which I do), or how much carbon dioxide you put out there is only ONE product that actually works for me. For anyone else who is relentlessly munched on by those bugs this product is for you. I have tried many different types of bug sprays, but nothing seemed to work for very long. After an hour or so the mosquitoes would be back, and I would soon be covered in those itchy red bites.  When preparing to go to Caesars Head/ Jones Gap I knew I had to get the best kind of spray I could find, or else I was going to be miserable as soon as we got on the trail....

Danger on the Trails

Staying safe while on a trail, whether its in your home town, or two hundred miles away, the same basic principles are universal in general trail safety. Keeping your senses are high alert is very important, but there are other ways to decrease your chances of something bad happening to you. Keep reading to find out how to stay safe when you are most vulnerable.  The more time you spend on the trails, the more likely you are to experience something negative; a wild animal, a strange person, an injury/illness, or getting lost are all real possibility that should never be put in the back of your mind while exploring. I have been fortunate to not experience anything drastic besides a bruised foot, and some rain, but I am not immune from anything the wild can throw at me.  "Keeping your wits" is one of my favorite outdoor/survival terms. I say this because it applies to every situation you may encounter. If you are gathering firewood and you are not paying enough at...

My Essential Outdoor Items

When it comes to hiking, and camping I want to be as comfortable as possible, without carrying too much weight and unnecessary items. I learned the hard way on my first overnight hiking trip to Jones Gap state park how difficult it can be to hike 3+ miles with the wrong gear, and too much stuff! That is why I have decided to show you the items I currently use that maximize make my primitive camping adventures! Start with a good shelter I had no idea what I was doing when I set up my first tent, granted I wasn't alone and had my boyfriend to help; I am now the primary one to set up and take down our tent between sites. I bought my three person tent at Wal-Mart for under 30 dollars, and it is super easy to set up and is very spacious, comfortable, and light weight! This tent is simple, but also has comfort features as well; good ventilation with the removal rain cover, inside pockets to put devices or other items important to you. You don't have to fumble through you...

Hidden Gem in Anderson, SC

The Rocky River Conservancy located off of Old Williamson Road in Anderson, SC is a local nature park with over a mile of trails and wetlands that is home to the largest swamp in the Upstate within city limits. The land is owned by Anderson University, and the RRC is a non-profit organization. According the RRC webpage, "The area may include up to 400 acres that comprise wetland areas; open water for canoeing and kayaking; walking, biking, equine trails; and a discovery center/environmental educational facility." More attention, and funding needs to be brought to the Rocky River Conservancy for it to become a go-to spot for outdoor lovers. Adding a few more miles of trails, a few primitive campsites, and eventually a wilderness center, the Rocky River park would overall boost the local ecosystem, economy, and overall quality of life for citizens of Anderson. When first arriving to the park there is small gravel parking lot, located behind the Anderson University athl...

Three days at Jones Gap and Caesars Head State Park

South Carolina has plenty to offer when it comes to beautiful scenery, especially inside the protected state and national parks that flow throughout the state from the Upstate to the coastline. Jones Gap and Caesars Head make up 11,000 acres of mountains, the parks are connected by miles of trails that wind along the Middle Saluda River. Jones Gap is also connected to the well known Foothills Trail.   I recently spent three days hiking the Jones Gap and Caesars Head trails, I want to share my experience at each park, the things I loved, and what I would have done differently to get the most out of the limited amount of time I had to spend there.   Jones Gap is located in Marietta, SC, just above Greenville and Travelers Rest. It is made up of eight separate trails that range from easy to strenuous. I went with a group of three other people, and we followed the Jones Gap Falls trail that is a 5.3 mile moderate hike up a rocky terrain that leads to beautiful primitive c...

The Hidden Trails of Sadlers Creek State Park

Sadlers Creek State Park, located in Anderson, South Carolina may appear to be small, only covering 395 acres, compared to the 11,000 acres that make up the well known Ceasers Head State Park. After camping for three days at Sadlers Creek, I found so much more than the basic site map showed. It all started on Monday morning, Derek and I loaded up the car, our dog Rocky, and made a quick stop at the local Wal-Mart. What was on our shopping list? Well the answer to that is simple, a two person inflatable raft. For under fifty dollars, we got an amazing deal for something that will make our summer adventures even more magical. We arrived at the campground sometime around 1:00 pm on Monday afternoon, I quickly set the tent up; another affordable and essential purchase we found at Wal-Mart. Derek got the fire started, and after I gathered all of our wood, we finally inflated the raft. After only five minutes of getting it all set up, we were headed for the beautiful waters of La...