Summer time offers many outdoor activities, hiking, swimming, and of course camping. Whether you are traveling to another country, or looking for a new adventure closer to home, camping is the most affordable and scenic way to spend a vacation. As a regular camper, I am always looking for a new spot that offers something more exciting. Here are the Top 5 most insane and amazing camping spots across the world!
5. Tree Camping, Germany

These awesome hanging tents, or portaledges, are the specialty of the Waldseilgarten camping resort in Germany. For roughly 200 dollars a night, the resort will give you an elevated tent high in the trees or on a cliff-side, provide you with all the gear, and they even feed you!
4. The Human Nest, California, USA

Treebones Resort in Big Sur, California is a totally unique experience (this one I definitely want to go to) since you actually get to sleep in a human sized bird nest. The structures are built just as a bird would, and to keep the natural feel they are not waterproof, so bring a tent just in case. Watching the sunset from a nest high in the tree tops is well worth the risk.
3. Sahale Glacier, Washington, USA

The incredible site offers views of snow-capped peaks as well as alpine meadows, lakes and the breathtaking Sahale glacier. Campers are able to wake up to fresh mountain air and some of the most stunning views in the world. A short walk from the camp and you can also discover glacier lilies in the summer, mountain blueberries in the autumn and even a local population of marmots!
2. Mud Huts, Sweden

Camping in a tent too boring for you? What about a hut-style tent, made out of real mud, no electricity, no heat, or running water? I say "YES!" to the STF Kolarbyn Hotel in Sweden. Get truly connected the earth in this truly primitive camp site.
1. Cliff Camping, Worldwide

It takes some serious guts, and love of heights to pitch a tent off the side of a 4000 foot cliff. With the right gear, and ability cliff camping can be done almost anywhere. If climbing the side of cliff isn't thrilling enough for you, then camping there should be perfect for you!
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